well first the little area is just that, as it is inside a 3 and a half foot wall with no door on it and...
Location: In back of bar located just behind a pool table so if anyone is playing pool they will know exactly what you are doing.
Bowl: Sparkling, I think this was because no one would feel too comfortable using it or maybe it was because the bar was dead. 5/5
Area: very clean but no privacy negates any goodwill that the cleanliness has provided. Why would a bar do this? 0/5
Intangibles: No lock on door, no privacy, sink located right next to the wall to destroy what dignity you did have left. 0/5
Final Verdict: I don't think you need my advice on this one as most people would be able to decide for themselves if they wanted to do the deuce here but if you have to ask, this is clearly a Hold It!
I saw this bathroom. it was quite horrific. and no privacy for a duece.
While I didn't see it, the ladies room was nothing to write home about. I think you might have to opt for the PB & J to secure your "non deuce" policy (or, knock the trash can in front of the door, right trish? ha ha)
Quite shitty. Good site.
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